A dear friend of mine have recommend a documentary called The Secret to me and she even insisted that I should find it and watch it.
Any way I finally did and I did enjoy watching the movie and for now I am considering the idea of reading the book. Basically I don’t really know if the secret is actually a secret or even some universal law but I know one thing we have to desire what we seek. Passion can only bring us closer to what we want but are things attracted to us or are we attracted to things. I mean who is calling for whom here? , more or less it can go either ways.
It happens that we find something along the way something that we did not even consider or look for but we just find it ‘’ or did it find us? ‘’. Other times we go and get what ever we desire and we actually achieve our goals, of course sometimes we never gain what we seek. There is only one place for the First Place !!!.
The thing that actually caught my attention is the Law of Attraction and the method of Vibration. Speaking about physics every thing in this universe actually vibrates every thing is energy and every thing have a certain Frequency. Now imagine 2 things that have the same Frequency, does not that make them the same thing. Make them unite or even one. Imagine Vibration as a wave, Different waves have different length and of course different frequencies. If you like something this desire becomes a vibration a wave that carries this thing to you but only under one condition if that thing have the same frequency as you and vise versa. Basically we create vibration and keep sending thoughts and energy every where and it is what we desire the most that we achieve.
Any way I finally did and I did enjoy watching the movie and for now I am considering the idea of reading the book. Basically I don’t really know if the secret is actually a secret or even some universal law but I know one thing we have to desire what we seek. Passion can only bring us closer to what we want but are things attracted to us or are we attracted to things. I mean who is calling for whom here? , more or less it can go either ways.
It happens that we find something along the way something that we did not even consider or look for but we just find it ‘’ or did it find us? ‘’. Other times we go and get what ever we desire and we actually achieve our goals, of course sometimes we never gain what we seek. There is only one place for the First Place !!!.
The thing that actually caught my attention is the Law of Attraction and the method of Vibration. Speaking about physics every thing in this universe actually vibrates every thing is energy and every thing have a certain Frequency. Now imagine 2 things that have the same Frequency, does not that make them the same thing. Make them unite or even one. Imagine Vibration as a wave, Different waves have different length and of course different frequencies. If you like something this desire becomes a vibration a wave that carries this thing to you but only under one condition if that thing have the same frequency as you and vise versa. Basically we create vibration and keep sending thoughts and energy every where and it is what we desire the most that we achieve.
My conclusion is that The Secret is ‘’ What we have in our mind is the Blue print of what we will find in life ‘’. Now how true is that? I don’t really know but that reminds of some old sayings such as ‘’ The Future is still to be written and Tomorrow is still to be born ‘’ - ‘’ We are what we know ‘’.
In the end perhaps life is a beautiful place or at least that is how some of us would like to address it but I do see it as a Mysterious place. Most of the time I ask my self what I am doing here or even what is the purpose of all of this.
In the end perhaps life is a beautiful place or at least that is how some of us would like to address it but I do see it as a Mysterious place. Most of the time I ask my self what I am doing here or even what is the purpose of all of this.
very good post ... and yes its hard to know sometimes we write for who ?
but sometimes you need to write for ppl to teach them ..
i hope you will not kick my far ass looool
I consider the ability to share and teach others as a gift recently it is a rare gift.
Now about your comment it is in the wrong place :P, that comment of yours should be in the first post not the second :).
Any how in 30 days from now i will kick your ass for it !!!! hahahaha.
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